B2B Blog

“A workplace is 50% run by its workforce and 50%, by its coffee.” A thought we advocate.

Ever sat in your office wondering about the million dollar question? How much longer? How much longer to the few greatest moments of my life? How much longer… to my coffee break? We bet you have, a million times or more. Isn’t that the most relatable thing to almost everyone who goes to work? The need for a good coffee at that place where you spend almost 40% or more of your day and almost 80 % of your energy…that need is unparalleled.

The need to know when you enter a building, you will have access to good, tasteful coffee to get through the rest of the day and to get over the exhaustion of the previous one. To trust that cup of coffee to have all its magic intact and to help you feel like a miracle right after the first sip, to help you feel like superman and aid you to beat that kryptonite all over again.

These are the things, that as humans we think of more often than we know it. It may seem like an issue of small magnitude, but to us it is of utmost importance, a matter of consequence. We took it up as our mission to provide you with quality coffee wherever you may be. Why must you compromise on quality filter coffee simply because you aren’t at your house?

We understand that and we are willing to make a change and to help. Aromas of Coorg strive to bring to every workplace, coffee of quality, of taste and of authenticity unbound. As an organization we started our B2B contracts somewhere in 2010. It was an idea that sprung from mere need for a good cup of coffee at a workplace and how relatable it is, like fuel for a car. Not that we are machines, we are much more but a good cup of coffee does bring us more to life than otherwise. And that became a goal that we achieved with various well known corporate workplaces and a goal we wish to accomplish further more. Putting out good filter coffee in workplaces was like putting out good deeds and kindness in the world and we all know that the world needs more of that; more good deeds, more kindness and a lot more coffee. And we have made it our sole mission to provide that to this beautiful world.






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