From “Crop to Cup”

Do it yourself, a concept popular all over the world. it is a concept where you do all your work by yourself to put things together and the like and we believe in that concept in its entirety.

Our  Crop-to-Cup concept is a little bit inspired by the ‘do it yourself’, we believed that if we want  to serve the best coffee in our country, we have do it all ourselves… from the very first step.

This company was started in the biggest hope of delivering their one promise of good quality coffee, flavorful and well blended to you whether at work or home. Aromas of Coorg was started on the question that asked, ” Why must one compromise on their coffee?”

And that is why at Aromas of Coorg, every step of the way is given our undivided and pure attention to.

We grow our own coffee in the 100 plus acres of estates in Coorg and make sure the yield we get are of 100 % fine quality. We also understand that respecting this planet and respecting the giver of everything- nature, is also purely in our hands and that is why we have incorporated methods of sustainable farming in our estates so that we may give our due to our mother nature in good will.

Starting from the sowing of the seeds, till the time the coffee reaches you in your office or your homes, we take full responsibility of it and make sure that you get the best coffee in your hands.

We take care of every step; starting from the yield , to the drying, roasting, grading , grinding and blending. We put in our all to achieve the perfect cup of coffee, one that you may enjoy and cherish.

At Aromas of Coorg, there is no compromise on quality, we don’t understand what that means and we hope never to. We believe that quality coffee is what makes your day whether you’re at work or at your home sitting by your coffee table while watching your favorite TV show, or reading a book or simply spending some time with others or yourself.

We also understand the effort it takes to get there … to be able to serve the coffee we dream of serving to our consumers and that is predominantly why we have our crop-to-cup concept in place.

We like to get our hands dirty and make sure that the coffee we serve is of the quality we promise and thereby we have units in place for every step of the process making sure that there is no compromising on that.

At Aromas of Coorg, we have units that work tirelessly communicating with each other and putting their best out there so that this one large unit called Aromas of Coorg, may deliver its promise of fine quality Indian Filter Coffee.

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